"Innovate, Collaborate, Thrive "Innovate, Collaborate, Thrive

Join us at Genesis Join us at Genesis

and Be a Part of the Sustainable Agricultural Revolution"

Empowering local agripreneurs and sustainable innovators by bridging the gap between innovation and global marketability. We provide resources and expertise to drive the development of Nature-based Solutions, addressing societal and economic needs for a sustainable agricultural sector.

More than just a hub

Genesis is both a hub for like-minded sustainable food and agri entrpeneurs and a centre of excellence for Nature-based Solutions, driving innovation, sustainability, and prosperity in Sri Lanka's agricultural sector. Join us as we cultivate a brighter future for agriculture, one innovation at a time.

Our strategy



Transform Sri Lanka’s agriculture and food industries for sustainability, innovation, and global competitiveness



Empower local agripreneurs by bridging the gap between innovation and global marketability. We provide resources and expertise to drive the development of Nature-based Solutions, addressing societal and economic needs for a sustainable agricultural sector


Nature based solutions

Nature-based solutions are actions inspired by nature that meet social and economic needs in a way that minimises its impact on the environment and ecosystems through sustainable management or restoration of the same.

Message from founder

On the 6th of May 2022, our Founder Merrill J Fernando, dedicated the birthplace of Dilmah for The Genesis Project (TGP).

“This is hallowed ground, where from 1979 I was blessed by God, with the realization of my dream – the first producer owned and genuinely ethical tea brand in the world. The birth of Dilmah – which I conceived in faith, tasted, crafted and first dispatched from here, 52 Maligawatte Road in 1985 – also marked the birth of a Cup of Kindness. The kindness to People and Nature that is embedded in the heart of my beloved Dilmah Tea, must continue to flow in abundance because it is an irrevocable obligation of every business to be kind. I therefore dedicate this North Wing to serving humanity through the Genesis Project, which will collaboratively explore Nature-based Solutions for a more sustainable future for Sri Lanka, her youth and her life enhancing biodiversity.” – MERRILL J. FERNANDO

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