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Dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of its federal enterprise is in demand around the globe - from the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector, and governments of other countries. GIZ works with businesses, civil society actors and research institutions, fostering successful interaction between development policy and other policy fields and areas of activity. The guiding principle is sustainability. Our main commissioning party is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Since 1956 – five years before the inception of USAID – the U.S. Government has provided development and humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka to promote a healthy, educated, and employed population. As Sri Lanka’s largest export market, the United States is in a strong position to support the country’s economic growth. USAID’s current program supports the Government of Sri Lanka’s efforts to promote inclusive economic growth, strengthen its democratic systems, and support marginalized and disaster-affected communities.


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Good Life X is a conscious entrepreneurship enabler, fostering regenerative economic growth and innovation in Asia. Good Life X support companies in scaling their products and services across the region and continents. They provide access to business-knowledge, expertise, collaborations, investment-opportunities and funding.

Discover the synergy of innovation and sustainability at Dilmah Tea. With a rich heritage rooted in tradition, Dilmah continues to redefine the tea industry through groundbreaking practices that prioritize both environmental responsibility and social impact. From pioneering eco-friendly cultivation techniques to implementing sustainable packaging solutions, Dilmah exemplifies a commitment to preserving our planet while delivering unparalleled quality in every sip. Experience the harmony of innovation and sustainability with Dilmah Tea, where tradition meets the future.

Dilmah Tea is committed to social justice and environmental conservation through its philanthropic arm The Merrill J. Fernando Foundation and its environmental sustainability arm Dilmah Conservation.

Dilmah Conservation believes in the co-existence of human, environment, and wildlife. The design of its conservation and sustainability projects in areas of green restoration, climate change adaptation and species conservation have always strived to benefit people while protecting nature and wildlife.

The MJF Charitable Foundation represents an alternative economic model, it transcends charity and corporate social responsibility one that is a genuinely sustainable and fair way of doing business. This ‘way’ acknowledges that social justice, community and the environment are integral elements in any business process not as options or part of a marketing led Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy but as a core feature of the business objectives.

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